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Two Chicago Area Volunteer Organizations Merge

Chicago Cares was the largest volunteer organization in Chicago, working with over 250 nonprofits across the city to create and connect over 20,000 volunteers with meaningful service opportunities. It drew over 75% of its volunteers and funding from Chicago’s corporate community. WomenOnCall offered pro bono consulting projects to nonprofits through approximately 100 professional women volunteers. Due to their complementary work, the organizations pursued a merger. The merged organization has yielded long-term sustainability, expanded programs and a network of 1,600 volunteers and 650 nonprofit relationships. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided support for one-time merger-related expenses.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $5,375

Year Granted: 2017

Grantee: Chicago Cares

Location: IL - Illinois

Grantee Website: Chicago Cares