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Nonprofit Arts Organization Programs Saved

The Healing Arts Initiative (HAI) brought the arts to otherwise marginalized communities including nursing homes, substance abuse centers and organizations that assist homeless children. After HAI filed for Chapter 11 protection, a like-missioned organization, Young Adult Institute, Inc. (YAI), stepped forward to acquire the assets of HAI. YAI has a team of over 4,000 employees and provides innovative services for over 20,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. YAI intends to integrate and grow the HAI programs, offering more than 300 programs for people of all ages. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided support for one-time acquisition-related expenses.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $5,000

Year Granted: 2017

Grantee: Young Adult Institute, Inc.

Location: National

Grantee Website: Young Adult Institute, Inc.